Missing Classmates


We've lost track of the following classmates. Can you help us find them? Contact us at info@woodward61.com with any information. Or use the Contact Us link to the left. If your name is on this list, Contact Us or click on your name and re-join your class! Or send us an email at info@woodward61.com.

Marilyn Aaronson (Ramsey)
Patricia Addison
William Alan Baker
John F. Benison
Bonnie Blake (Williams)
Betsy Bohlander Bazell Bohlander (Bazell)
Joyce Boone
Myrna Borchard (Erwin)
Billie Brewer (Russell)
Mary Lynn Clement
Cynthia Cordes (Schneider)
Diana Creamer
Linda Davis (West)
Ronald Durham
Janet Ehrmantraut (Cismadi)
Patricia Farley (Goldberg)
Thomas Faust
Susan Flynn (Thomas)
Joseph Frank
Charles (Mike) Gehring
Laurence Goldsmith
Jack (J. O. ) Goldstone
Nancy Gover (Clark)
Helen Hagemeyer
Ronald Hahn
Donald Hauk
Dorothy Henrie
Roberta Sue Herndon
Alan Hogue
William Horan
Thomas Jesse
Joann Jessup
Joseph N. Johnson Jr.
Ellen Ladd (Stalley)
James Kelly Lee
Donna J. Loper
Robert P. Malloy
Barbara Meadows
Roberta K. Meiser
Gail Merritts (Davis)
Linda J. Miller (Hoffman)
David Minson
Don C. Moore
Kathie Mullenix (Morgan)
George S. Nelson
Phillip R. Newsome
Marvin Nudell
Patricia O'Brien
Suzanne O'Connell
Donna Phelps
David Rich
Kathy Royce (Gundlach)
Judy Runtz (Silbaugh)
James Salyers
Louis Schaim
Steven C. Schmidt
Donna M. Schmurr (Weibel)
Nickie Sedgwick
Garlin L. Smith
Nancy Smith (Lee)
Charles Somers
Nancy Sonenshein (Shafer)
Linda Steidle (Zeisler)
David Stoddard
Sandra Stone (Parker)
Barry A. Strittholt
Judith A. Turner
Richard Lee Ulman
Gayle Underwood
David E. Vetter
John K. Wagner
Wilma Wallace (Snider)
Margaret Walter (Smith)
Richard Weber
Sandra Weber (Scheckelhoff)
Robert Wells
Betty Westbrook (Reed)
Nancy Lee Windland
James Winters

Guest Members

Louis Kluber
Samuel George Reed
Hazel Straus (Goldberg)